Make Vojvodina emo again 2025

Novi Sad. Újvidék. Nový Sad. Neusatz. Нови Сад. Srpska Umeå.
🚩R E B U I L D &
🏴CK13 &
t e l e v i s a p r e s e n t a 📺
///when the cold touches you, it burns✨
🪩 P E T A K 14. FEB 2025.✨
◾️G A Z O R P A Z O R P | noise rock post hardcore, Beograd
◾️H Y D R O G E N | indie post punk, Novi Sad
◾️SEE IT MY WAY | emo punk, Novi Sad
🌃 Live in a world full of hate @ CK13
UPAD 18+ 800rsd| <18 f r e e 🌃

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make vojvodina emo again 2025

★ ★ ★
When existence feels heavy we will always have hardcore, pretty outfits and each other. xoxo
XXX NO GODS, NO SPONSORS. “I see so much focus on music these days and not on the words being said. And I think that in order to communicate in hardcore the lyrics must be at the forefront of every song.
I’ve just seen a lot recently that the music and the look on stage and things like that have a lot more to do with what’s going on up here than the lyrics do these days. And it seems that we need to change that and we need to try to live the best we can the lyrics we say up here.
Don’t ever let it die, I’m telling you. Because see, as soon as the lyrics die, this s#%t up here becomes rock and roll. It’s not rock and roll, this is hardcore. And when it’s time to f*#%#g say something then say it, if you just wanna get up and play a bunch of catchy tunes then do it on the f#%#g stage at Irvine Meadows not here where everyone’s trying to f#%£#g live these words.
This is my burning fight.” Inside Out. October 27, 1990. Loyola Marymount University
…is an abbreviation for Anti-Fascist. Whether you choose to fight them, argue with them or ignore them is totally up to you. May not be everyone’s preferred method of tactics, but everyone should agree we should all be Anti-Fascist. Resist in your own way!
•ANIMAL Liberation📢
The modern relationship between humanity and other animals is essentially exploitative. It should be recognized that animals, as sentient beings that exist for their own purposes, are deserving of ethical consideration. From the cow that lives and dies in squalid conditions to the the chimp that endures torture in a lab on a regular basis, humans subject other living and feeling beings to pain and suffering without necessity or ethical justification. We understand this phenomenon as a result of patriarchal capitalist society’s willingness to dominate and oppress other living beings for the sake of power and wealth. As such, we also hope to elucidate the connections between animal liberation struggles and those of humans and the natural world, and in doing so, raise the urgency of each so that more potent and effective action will arise.
•EARTH Liberation💚
Why should we feel compelled to fight for the last remaining areas of what we call wilderness? Why should we feel the burden of a civilization that strangles ecosystems across the planet? Why should we care?
There is a struggle for the bears, the lichen, and the mountain lions. There is a conflict in the forests, in the meadows, and in the oceans. There is human imperialism that plagues the rest of life on the planet. Everywhere there exists evidence of our domination and subjugation. Forests are laid to ruins. Horizons are spoiled by mono-crops. The surviving victims of these conflicts are forced into cages, isolated from their families and communities, and confined to lives of exploitation.
Their struggle has meaning. Their existence is worth preserving. Their EARTH is worth LIBERATING.
•HUMAN Liberation🏴
Today’s human landscape can sometimes appear very bleak. It is defined, among other things, by drastic stratification, unprecedented poverty, and the exploitation of the masses by a small privileged class. This is not a world that is short on suffering, and though we recognize that some level of suffering will always be a part of life, we also reject the notion that the injustice and oppression we see is somehow inevitable or acceptable. We strive to develop an understanding of the diversity of these experiences and how they intersect and relate as outcomes of the wide reaching white supremacist capitalist patriarchy. Armed with a more complete and accurate understanding , we move to abolish this system, to seize the problem at its roots. From this foundation, we can begin to materialize the ideals of liberation that will hold humanity to a standard of mutual respect and enriching cooperation.
If James Hetfield Can Stay Straight Edge, Anyone Can!
The key to self-liberation is abstinence from the destructive escapism of
Intoxication. Sober living for the revolution.🔥
Podržite bendove koji sviraju kupovinom izdanja ili majice, fanzina jer na taj način bend obezbedjuje pola prihoda za benzin do sledećeg grada. Druga polovina je već vaša podrška kupovinom ulaznice.
Scena je nevažna ako postane modna revija, a svirka razlog za napiti se. Naprotiv, ona treba da bude zajednica gde podržavamo jedni druge i gde je izražena kolektivna svest i solidarnost. Čitajte više pank fanzina! Čitajte više. ”We are all punks, hardcore kids, freaks and outcasts, perhaps we can actually get along”
**na koncertu : .
•DISTRO (izdanja i merch bendova, bendova naših drugara i drugarica i ljudi koji su svirali u našem gradu i šire. mjuza sa globalne hc scene) fanzini. knjige. majice. plakati itd.
•Vegan otvorena kuhinja ~ podrži ideju veganizma, upoznaj se sa istom i jedi ukusno i saosećajno. ne zaboravi da daš prilog za aktivnosti kuhinje ako si u mogućnosti. Uključi se u istu, ili u lokalnu kuhinju solidarnosti. postani vegan. usvoji, ne kupuj. ljudska sloboda = životinjska sloboda ***
•Dodjite, podržavajte lokalnu i globalnu hardcorepunk scenu, ideje ljudske i životinjske slobode i borbe za integritet i slobodu izražavanja. Mislite svojom glavom i neka u svakoj situaciji pobedi zdrav razum, konstruktivni i pozitivan način razmišljanja.
Ne dozvolite širenje desničarskih ekstremnih ideologija, predrasuda, mržnje, nasilja i netolerancije kojom smo okruženi. Think positive dummy. Always above the influence, against the grain.
Rebuild x hardcore Novi Sad crew.

Koncerti i događaji
Црна кућа 13 / CK13, 13, Vojvode Bojovica, Rotkvarija, МЗ Житни трг, Novi Sad, City of Novi Sad, South Backa Administrative District, Vojvodina, 21000, Serbia Map


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